Dear Chloe,
Happy 13th birthday sweetie pie!
Wow, a teenager! Who would have thought we would have made it this far, especially after this insane year of 2020 we had to put up with.
We really didn’t go anywhere or do anything because of the whole corona nonsense. You did manage to go to Bible camp in South Dakota though and you were pretty happy about it. Also I guess I should mention you joined the church teens which has been a bit different. I am sure it will get better for you as you get more used to the group of teens there.
One thing you did do was redo your bedroom. You even painted, not bad for the first time. You also drove Lumpy for the first time at church. That was fun, can’t wait to do more of that… actually not really that kinda scares me!
You did manage to learn some new stuff on piano. You can now play the first part of Fur Elise, a portion of Linus and Lucy and a smaller portion of that stupid Mariah song. I won’t mention what you’re working on now for this year, but I will tell you you will continue to do well if you put the time in to practicing. Someday you’ll look back and wish you would have spent more time doing that.
Since you’re in the seventh grade, your school work has gotten a bit more challenging. I do enjoy helping you with math, however you need to understand that there are multiple ways to get to the right answer as well as ways to check to ensure the answer is right. Always remember to show your work, its easier to learn that way!
We’re quite proud of you Chloe, and we love you so much.
Happy Thirteenth Birthday Chloe,
Love Dad, Mom, Sam
And others too!