Charles Dickens: The Spirit led Scrooge to another familiar place. It was his nephew Fred’s and the mood was certainly most different than from his last visit.
Beverly Crusher: Fred, dear you must go. I know you don’t want to, but you must.
Molar: Clara dear, I don’t know if it is worth my time. I am not so sure he would do this for me?
Donald Trump: Spirit, why do you bring us here. Why is my dear nephew Fred and his lovely wife Clara at odds? Is this related to the businessmen’s argument?
Skeletor: You moronic fool! Don’t you pay attention to things?
Donald Trump: I didn’t know for sure, that’s why I’m asking.
Skeletor: I could right a book on what you don’t know.
Beverly Crusher: Fred, if you like I can go with if you like, but I don’t know if it is wise with me being well with our son Wesley…
Donald Trump: Why Fred is going to be a father! This is great new Spirit!
Skeletor: Indeed, he is to be a father but that is not why I brought you here!
Albert Einstein: Yea I’m a bit confused too as to why he was brought here.
Charles Dickens: Well, if you remember. Fred was Scrooge’s only blood relative alive.
Donald Trump: Spirit, do you know if their son will be healthy. Mercy me, I hope he’s ok.
Skeletor: It is not Fred’s son you should worry about, it is your own well being you should be worried about.
Molar: Clara, I don’t want to lose you or Wesley. No I shall go on my own. It is something I knew I must do someday, and its best if I face this alone.
Charles Dickens: Fred left in a bit of a hurry while the Spirit took Scrooge to another familiar place.
Donald Trump: Why this is Bob Cratchit’s Spirit! Yes this place is filled with much joy, but why is it so quiet? Why is there no laughter?
Skeletor: Why am I not ruler of Eternia? I do not know either of these things. Enter and your answer shall be given!