Charles Dickens: Just as before, Scrooge and the Spirit were whisked away to another scene. This time in an open style house where the dinning room, living room and kitchen were all open to each other.
Peg Bundy: Al… can’t we buy this house when we get married?
Albert Einstein: Hey wait a second, I thought you said these are shadows and they can’t see nor hear us?
Charles Dickens: Indeed, but a little-known fact that I forgot to mention… Scrooge’s middle name is Albert, like your first name. It just didn’t make the book because I could only have 29,000 words in this story. I was just over 28,000 so I had to do some trimming. Knowing Scrooge’s middle name isn’t important until, well I guess right now. Anyway, Belle called him Al for short because he called her by her uncle’s nick name of Peg.
Albert Einstein: Well, I guess that’s an interesting tidbit to know.
Ralphie Parker: Gosh Peg, have you seen the price of this place? We can’t afford this, investments haven’t grown as they should!
Peg Bundy: But Al, you said that last year. Why can’t we get married? You’re a partner in your own firm now.
Ralphie Parker: Business continues to be poor, we’re barely clearing expenses.
Peg Bundy: Well Al, I can’t wait another year. Let’s get married and get this house, its in our price range.
Ralphie Parker: Peg, that’s because the other houses in our price range are on fire.
Peg Bundy: Oh darn, well I guess I should get going then.
Ralphie Parker: But Peg, I love you. Give me another year, I promise.
Peg Bundy: I’m sorry Al. I just can’t wait. I am going to check out that running full back at Polk high, I hear he scored four touch downs in one game.
Donald Trump: Oh Spirit, why must you torture me?
Sophia Petrillo: I told you, these are the shadows of things that have been. They are what they are, do not blame me!
Donald Trump: Leave me!
Charles Dickens: Scrooge was left alone and exhausted and back in his bedroom. Sleep did not come, and he found himself weeping over his past. Wishing he could have done things differently.
Albert Einstein: I gotta say, that Spirit was a bit mean. Was there not anything in his past that was a joy to see for him?
Charles Dickens: Indeed, don’t you remember him seeing his child hood friends, and meeting Belle?
Albert Einstein: Yea that’s true, I guess I didn’t make the connection. So, what happens now?
Charles Dickens: As Scrooge lay there feeling sorry for himself, he heard his clock start the hourly chimes for 2 AM.