Editors Note: This was a post I did sometime when I was in high school (circa 1997).  I found this while digging through some old files.  It is interesting to note that some of my believes then mirror current ones.  Naturally I can expound on this now and give better reasons on why taxes are being wasted.  If I remember correctly, I wrote this after I got hosed by the Iowa Revenue Department and the IRS (had to pay in even though I made less than the taxable amount (or something like that)).   I have made this post more family friendly, corrected some grammatical, and all spelling errors and left the rest alone.

Taxes you say, we all have to pay them, even government officials whose salaries are based on taxes. Kind of retarded isn’t it? Why do we have taxes so screwed up? Why do students have to pay taxes? What is the point of taxes, seeing as the government wastes them on weapons for a war that will not be fought or for feeding countries that are third world. Why do we fund this stuff?

Because we have no choice. Do you even know how may people work at the IRS? I was told that they have a total of one hundred and fifty employees, the rest is electronic. I am trying to understand this, what do they do all the rest of year is there that many audits to keep them busy?

Did you know if you owe the IRS $1.01, and you do not pay it, you go to a federal prison. But they were nice and let the cut off be one dollar. Why not ten, what is one dollar to a government who can spend a million times that in a second. Sure the US tax laws are not quite as harsh as some countries, but harsher than others.

Yes I realize that taxes pay for city lights, roads, schools, and such. But if taxes fund schools, then why don’t they be free too? My parents alone had to pay a total of two hundred dollars for registration. What is this for? Aren’t theses supposed to be public school?

In fact, the who Pell grant idea is good, but they should not have the process to get it, it should be any student going into college, should get help from the government seeing as it will help the economy if we go to college. Why is this so? I think that it also sucks that if you sell something you have to pay taxes on that.

If I am ever in the IRS, I promise I will change things, I am sick of this tax crap and want to smack some auditor in his or her face. In fact why am I talking about all of this, I just did my taxes and was displeased with the results. My dad might get audited cause he forgot to check one box. What is the point of auditing, more money for the Gov. They come by see that you are broke and decide you owe them a couple of bucks, oh yeah with a ten percent penalty charge, plus a charge for there trip.

Real nice huh, so next time when you pay taxes on a car, or for tax time like now, don’t ask what do I pay taxes for, ask what the hell has the IRS done for you lately.

Yours Truly