I absolutely love WordPress!  I have wrote a bit ahead and used the publishing schedule extensively   This post, I wrote three days ago!

I am working on a post about the whole fiscal cliff and the Obama Presidency   I must be honest, I have been working on it for well over a month now and I cannot finish it without getting very furious and losing my train of thought. #notagoodthing

Whoa, did I just use a Twitter hash tag there?  Yes I did #true #diditagain

Speaking of Twitter, you can follow me @blubaughtravis, or cheat and read the posts here.   I honestly wish I would have signed up for Twitter when it went live to the public in July of 2006.  If I would have I would not have signed up for Facebook in 2008 (after resisting as long as I could).  By the way, don’t friend me on Facebook unless you are family or truly that.

While on the topic of social networks, I do believe that Twitter and LinkedIn are on my “stay” list.  I am trying to ween myself off of Facebook and am waiting for a merge feature to merge it with Tress’s account and let her do the Facebook thing.

My first check for the year of 2013 will be roughly $325 more each pay period (each two weeks).  What did I do?  Something you should do as well.  I changed my w-4 status to Married and added allowances.  Why should I let the fed take my money and waste it on  an interest free loan.  With that I also downgraded from the high medical plan to the lower medical plan (a savings of about $70 each pay period.

That be all for now, more to come in the future!