Dear Chloe,
My goodness, has it been three years already?! It’s your birthday; your three years old and you have the world ahead of you!
While you did not take any trips this year, you have made some huge accomplishments! The biggest that made Mommy and Daddy (and everyone else) extremely happy is you became potty trained pretty much in spring, and completely in summer! Another big one is you help Mommy put stuff away without having to be told where it goes all the time, and you get things for Daddy when I ask you to.
Do you remember riding the Train? I do, you we’re so excited for highball and excited to ride (just like me (Daddy)). Mommy enjoys taking you to story time almost as much as you enjoy going! Christmas was great for you too Chloe, you were appreciative of everything you received and was genuinely excited and happy when opening gifts.
Well I need to finish as we are going to make you pancakes (your request), but remember that Mommy and Daddy will always love you, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to God’s love for you. Remember to trust Him and things will always work through.
Happy Third Birthday Chloe, we all love you very much!
Daddy, Mommy, Gary…
-Nana, Papa, MiMa, Papa Weston, Auntie K, Uncle Heath, Uncle Tyler, Uncle Mike, Uncle Andy, and a bunch of other folks too!