Day one is officially done, and the end is one day closer!

I guess I should probably start by saying, please don’t expect a daily update regarding my schooling. I will try to post more often but there is a lot more going on this time around than the first time.

Obviously, the first time around I was not married, there were no kids, there was no house to upkeep, etc. With all of those things added in this time, I think I understand why I am a bit scared/nervous about the whole situation.

No doubt the stakes are high but the reward will be great. High stakes, really? Yep, I need to pass each of my classes with a B or better just to remain in the program. One of my classes might be ten times easier (somewhat of an assumption since I am not even ankle deep yet) if I remembered some of those classes I had 11 years ago. Who knew that Assembly Language, Operating Systems, and Discrete Math would be truly applicable later! Lucky for me, I saved my books (spoiler alert, this might be a reoccurring theme in subsequent posts).

Overall, the key will be balancing job, school, family, and any other thing(s) that come my way.

Ready for Day two!