Over the fourth we went boating. When we returned home and others were busy doing other things I picked up my mom’s mothers bible which happened to be sitting there. Apparently it was a KJV Giant Print edition from Hyles-Anderson Baptist College. As I was thumbing through reading a verse here and there, my mom told me to look at Grandma’s note. Once I found it, I read it and was rewarded.
Rewarded in the sense that my faith was reassured, and I was happy to be reassured that my Grandmother is in heaven now. The note read:
To you:
You are precious to me
Isiah 43:4
I love you and I always will
John 3:16, Jer 31:3
I think about you all the time
Psalms 139:2,17
I will always be near you and hear you when you call
Psalm 145:18
You bring great joy to my life
Psalm 149:4
You belong to me!
Isaish 43:1
From God