Charles Dickens: The warm and cozy house he found himself in, was none other than his nephew Fred and his wife Clara, who were in the midst of hosting Christmas with some of their friends.

Albert Einstein: Chuck, wasn’t Scrooge invited to this anyway?

Charles Dickens: He was indeed but remember he “bah humbugged” his RSVP.

Molar: Well Clara, we’ve had the chestnuts, plum pudding and sung the carols played pull the tooth from the Klingon We’ve even opened gifts and read the scripture, yet we have quite a bit of time left.  What shall we do now my lovelies?

Beverly Crusher: How about a game Fred!

Molar: Ah yes, a game! What shall we play

Beverly Crusher: How about yes and no!

Molar: Oh yes, we must play that, it’s a wonderful game. I’ll start

Beverly Crusher: Yes, let Fred start he always things of good ones.

Molar: I do have a good one Clara, Guess!

Data: Is it living?

Molar: Technically

Georgi LaForge: Is it a plant?

Molar: no

Worf: Is it an animal then?

Molar: What else?

Beverly Crusher: Is it found on a farm?

Molar: Never?

Data: In the city then?

Molar: Usually?

Worf: Is it a desirable creature?

Molar: Heavens no!

Data: Is it a rat?

Molar: No, my its too good.

Beverly Crusher: Wait, its an unwanted creature but not a rat, and in the city?

Molar: Yes

Beverly Crusher: Its your uncle! Ebenezer Scrooge!

Molar: YES that’s it!!!

Charles Dickens: They all laughed as the Spirit and Scrooge looked on.  Scrooge was visibly saddened by this encounter.

Stay Puft: Come, we have much to see